A quick and greatly truncated reference guide for Markdown.
[1]: www.google.com "Google" [yahoo]: www.yahoo.com "Yahoo" Named inline [link](http://google.com). Straight up, as is, link: http://google.com A [referenced link][yahoo].
This is a paragraph with **bolded** text. This is another paragraph with *emphasized* text. This is `inline code` in this paragraph.
A block quote example: > **This is a block quote.** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur > adipiscing elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. > > > **With a sub-block quote.** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur > > adipiscing elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. > > — mgemmill Some post block information.
# Header h1 ## Header h2 ### Header h3 #### Header h4 ##### Header h5 ###### Header h6
A code block: def python_code_sample(): print "Uses hightlight.js to get the syntax right."
Use `*`, `-` or `+` to make a standard unordered html list: * apple * orange * banana Use numbers to make an ordered html list: 1. Wendy 2. Jane 3. Isabel
Use 3 or more `*` or `-` or `_` characters in a row - on a line by themselves - to create a rule. They can have spaces between them. rules made with `*`: *** * * * * * * * * * rules made with `-`: --- - - - - - - - - - rules made with `_`: ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _comments powered by Disqus